Everyone Saves for Something!

It is often a big headache for marketers to reposition a product or brand like Cheeseburger that has been established in the global market for quite a while and already in its maturity stage. Realizing the trend that people won’t spend additional bucks on fast food, McDonald eventually came out a penetration strategy, telling people that how much they can save on 2 Cheeseburgers and spend what they save on things they desire.
It shifts McDonald’s position further down in low-cost fast food category (being even lower-cost), however I don’t perceive the change of it’s position to even lower price equals lower quality (it isn’t that low, though. The price still somehow captures what consumer’s value on burgers. So charging a bit higher is necessary). In fact, the save-your-money promotional campaign that McDonald now embraces adds great value to its products – It’s fun, and it saves you money! I start wondering how low a Big Mac’s price would be in the future, as McDonald’s keeps lowering the price of its burgers (and size shrinking as well, huh!).
I love the way how it came out the creative promotional idea by wrapping all the stuffs with the Big Mac’s wrap. For people who have watched this video, when they see things are wrapped in Big Mac’s paper, they instantly get the message that, “Look, having Big Mac can save you bucks to get this!” For people who haven’t known the promotional activity, the act must have gotten their attention and people would want to find out what’s happening in McDonald’s!