Steve Jobs Dies, and Sales of Turtlenecks Rise?

This past week, the world has been in shock over the death of Steve Jobs, founder and former chief of Apple. He suffered severely from pancreatic cancer, and died while he was at home in California. Surely there are many repercussions regarding the death of a man who created one of the biggest technology firms on Earth, and you can read more about what will happen to Apple in Lesley Tupilano’s blog.

Steve Jobs with the notorious Ipad

However, there has been another repercussion of Jobs’ death that has flown under the radar. On Thursday, the day after Steve passed away, the sales of his signature $175 St. Croix black turtlenecks soared. Upon reading this, it seemed a little odd to me. Personally, when I picture Steve Jobs, I think of technological innovation, excellence, and ingenuity. One of the last things on my mind is his choice of apparel. Despite this, sales more than doubled on Thursday, and although they are offered in many other colors, most stores have completely run out of the shirt in black. Bernhard Brenner, the owner of St. Croix, reported that Jobs would purchase about twelve of these turtlenecks a year and wear them just about every day. Now, St. Croix has promised to donate $20 to the American Cancer Society for every black turtleneck bought from their store. Although this is a kind gesture, it still seems wrong to me that a clothing company is getting so much publicity because of the death of an amazing man.

Article Sources:

Sales of Steve Jobs’s Favorite Turtleneck Soar


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