Adding Value with Awesome QR Codes!!

A QR code developed by Ralph Lauren. If scanned consumers gain the chance to win two court-side seats at the 2012 US Open men’s finals!!

QR codes, a type of matrix barcode that users can scan with a smartphone to gain immediate access to additional information, have been rising in popularity in the marketing world. However, Jay Baer from Convice&Convert has pointed out in his blog that only a number of firms have actually used these codes effectively to market their products or services. If used correctly, QR codes can work wonders for a company by effortlessly redirecting a consumer to what is relevant (i.e. connection to a website with a longer and more targeted sales pitch), but many marketers are failing to do so.

For example, Baer highlights the pointlessness of a QR code in a magazine ad. The reasoning behind it is that the only thing the code is doing is replacing a URL. This doesn’t add any value to the consumer, especially because a computer or tablet is likely to be nearby. Instead, he emphasizes the importance real-time marketing when using QR codes, and this resonated with me.

The Macy’s QR Code

I completely agree with Baer, and think that QR codes can be a powerful marketing tool if they are real-time, meaning they directly add value to a consumer’s experience through additional information or insight. An example of this is when Macy’s placed QR codes in their store displays. These codes enhanced shoppers’ experiences because they linked to a number of short videos featuring celebrities giving fashion advice. They also provide them with latest trends and inspiration from style icons and designers. Not only does this add value to consumers, but it also increases conversion rates for Macy’s. If other businesses used Macy’s as an example when creating QR codes, I think it would give them a huge competitive advantage.

My personal favorite! Scan it to enhance your experience while reading my blog 🙂

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