Don’t Fit our standard? We don’t want to see You

by MaddieMartin


In my culture jammed version of the advertisement I attempted to obviously show the normalization of an extremely unrealistic and exclusive standard of beauty. The white model is very clearly in a position of privilege as she is the only one that is encouraged to show off her body and is framed as the ideal standard. This echoes the messages in mainstream media, as thin, white women are overwhelmingly present in television, movies and the music industry where they are encouraged to flaunt their bodies in revealing clothing. Larger women are underrepresented, as are women of different ethnicities. The model is even thinner in this version of the advertisement to clearly represent western societies idealization of extremely thin bodies.

The photo of a heavier Asian woman is included to invoke discussion on why different bodies are not advertised to be as desirable as the beautiful white woman, and the hurtful commentary associated with that fact. The photo of the black man is included to shed light firstly, on the truth that he is not white and therefore not part of the desirable norm. Secondly, to highlight that men are somewhat excluded from excessive media messages featuring impossibly thin, perfect bodies as the female norm. Although men are bombarded with hyper masculine ideals, there are more men with different body shapes represented in popular culture and are rarely as hypersexualized as the ideal feminine form.

Overall, this version of the advertisement reveals the blatant harmful messages the original advertisement was promoting. It clearly exposes messages encouraging only one image of acceptable beauty that one should be proud of. This image of acceptable beauty excludes the vast majority of ethnicities, any woman that is not incredibly thin as well as, ideally beautiful and so many others.