Only one specific type of Person Allowed, Please

by MaddieMartin


The original ad by “Protein World” is problematic for a number of reasons. The most obvious problem is with the message regarding body size and image. By putting the question “Are you beach body ready?” around a photo of an extremely thin woman, the company is essentially spreading the message that if you do not look like this extremely thin woman, you should not be showing your body at the beach. This message is extremely harmful because it is saying if one does not look a certain way they should cover up their body. In the world this advertisement is trying to promote; anyone heavier than the pictured model should not feel comfortable in a bikini, in her underwear or naked. Therefore, it would be impossible for one to feel comfortable or remotely confident with herself. It places a familiar pressure to live up to an unrealistic standard of beauty on women. Targeting only women with unrealistic body standards is in no way confined to this advertisement and is highly prevalent in popular culture, however this example is utterly blatant.

Additionally, the advertisement is jarringly exclusive in what constitutes a “ready” beach body. The one the company is promoting is white, ultra feminine, extremely thin, has straight blonde hair and is able bodied. This excludes anyone who is a different ethnicity, disabled, heavy, women who look more androgynous or do not fit the societally accepted archetype of “beauty,” and many others. This message is societally troubling as it tells people that the image endorsed by “Protein World” is the norm, and is what all women should aspire to look like in order to show off and feel comfortable in their bodies.