How important are USP to a business?

First of all, what is USP? Unique selling Proposition may be considered as something in a product that differentiates itself with similar or identical products in the market. Why is it that businesses want to have a USP? the answer to this question is that, creating a unique selling proposition for a product should is a first priority of the business, because without making a business stand out from the rest, it will be difficult for that business to convince the target audience to buy products from them. 

USP are often discussed in the business’s mission or vision statement. however, some top brands like Apple, doesnt really discuss their USP in their business statements, in fact it makes top end quality products such as the the iphone, ipod, macbook, and Imac to speak for themselfs and convey the USP to its customers directly.

Business’s often uses 3 steps to formulate their USP’s;

  • Whats the business’s uniqueness?
  • Providing solution to common problems faced by customers while using the product
  • and finally, business then join these two elements and rewrite/formulate their USP

USP may require alot of capital (Research and Development) which will be counted as a negative (-) in the firms income statement, however, in the long run, it is always beneficial for companies to have a solid USP to differentiate themselves from the common products in the market. hence, is USP of a business really worth the price? this is something the business should consider!

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