Demand from emotional and/or financial reasons

Today’s lecture in Comm 101 is quite an inspirational one. By bringing in guest who is alumni of ours, it really encourages us to take a step to pursue our own dreams in an innovative manner and tells us entrepreneurs are not only bald, with moustache, middle-aged man. 🙂

Energy-Aware’s product–Power Tab, is a gadget which reflect electricity usage in a monetary way. Instead of telling people how many kilowatt they are using, it actually shows the dollar per hour they are charged given they way currently, they utilize their appliances.

It is not a surprise that this product has come to a major success because there are two reasons underlying that urges customers to buy Power Tab. First, it attracts people who are largely ethically oriented (environmental-friendly users). By monitoring closely to their power usage, people can easily make adjustments to conserve energy thus “SAVE THE PLANET!” Moreover, this product definitely charms the practical, capitalistic demographic. Oftentimes, people are not aware of how they can minimize the balance and their utility bills because the only information they have is that vague number wattage. Dollar sign $ is way more powerful to affect them than watt numbers.

Power Tab’s success comes from the interest from two very diverse group of people. It is this ethical and financial rationale that drives customers’ inclination in investing on such a product.



For more information about Energy-Aware and Power Tab, check out the following website.

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