Power of Alumni as Leaders

Have you ever wondered why nine of the top ten universities are in the United States? I cannot feel more proud or honoured about the fact that I attend UBC–one of the best schools in Canada. But, with no offence, it is just a tip of an iceberg compared to the prestigious colleges in the States.

Conventionally, people explain this phenomenon with the apparent, extrinsic reasons: wealth of America, abundance in funding, large population, etc. However, what people failed to recognize, is the intrinsic force within these American universities, which drive them to prestige. (I was unaware of it too until I came across this article: The Secret of Harvard’s Success: Alumni )

Started with Harvard, and adopted by many others, the practice of selecting alumni as part of the board of director is the secret that leads them to success. It says, in the article, “After all, no group cares more about a university’s prestige than its alumni, who gain or lose esteem as their alma mater’s ranking rises or falls.” Alumni, in general, have higher motivations. What’s more, is that their knowledge about their own schools comes in handy and adequate to contribute to better decision-making.

This is such an insightful discovery not only because I am a university student, but rather it demonstrates the power of the right leader to guide a party forward in a right direction.

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