Google Offering Information Technologies

Google has been known as one of the biggest and most outstanding companies for the last few years. It is possibly due to the fact that it is a business with huge information technology which provides many useful tools to the general public. Those tools have different functions which can vary from Google search up to Google translator.

As it was reported on “Bits Blog”, the New York Times’ technology page, Google also offers what is called the Google Books, previously known as Google Book Search. In this article, the author talks about a lawsuit that had been filed against Google. Many authors don’t like now the idea, which seemed appealing some years ago, of scanning their books for having them later on available on the internet. I must say I agree with the Judge for declining the lawsuit against Google, upholding that “Google Book Search” is an outstanding useful tool for each and every Google user. Although authors might be in their right to plead for the availability of their books on the internet, I feel this kind of information technology should be supported by the people in general instead of being opposed to.



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