Old Sock Drawer

a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer

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“You have a story to tell, a novel you keep in a drawer.
(Old sock drawer!)”

Words of wisdom from “Die Vampire Die”, a delightful ditty from the new now-closed Broadway musical, [title of show]. And oh, what wisdom it delivers in its usual wisecracking style: advice on late-night artwork (Tippy Turtle!), mythical creatures, Sondheim, Shakespeare, Sedaris, and more.

But I digress.

Welcome to the collected prattlings of Mary L, a scarf-and-hat-wearing, coffee-drinking, photography-obsessed first second-year Arts student with a full-blown love affair – indeed, a glorious ménage à trois! – with theatre and politics (curious correlations, non?) This may be no sock drawer, and this is certainly no novel, but this self-confessed metaphor-abusing geek is going to entertain you with her inane chatter and quixotic quirks. Watch as she launches herself headfirst (feet up) into the world of UBC and the AUS, and feel free to chuckle along.