Matthew Ho's Blog

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Archive for April, 2011

What you have learned about yourself in Comm299?…

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On the verge of completing Comm 299 at The Sauder School of Business, I am able to look back at lessons learned about being a business professional and being myself. The greatest thing that I have learned about myself is that I am capable of doing more than I have ever imagined. The ability to confidently speak in an interview and represent myself as a professional are both things that I have learned about myself. Coming from a small high school, I expected a difficult transition into a larger, more hostile world. However, I have learned that I am capable of excelling in the business world being a professional. During the same time last year, I would have never seen myself attend recruitment events or talk to managers about potential positions. I have learned following my passions, will only result in my best efforts. And I hope to continue to follow my passion into a career in the business world.

Written by matthewho2

April 3rd, 2011 at 10:56 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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