ENGL 372 99C

Category: Uncategorized

GGRW Hyperlink Blog

Hello everyone! I am sorry this is so late, but nonetheless, I assure you it will be worth the read! For assignment 3:7 we were tasked with writing a blog that hyper-links our research on the characters in Green Grass Running Water, by Thomas King, while also incorporating Jane Flick’s GGRW reading notes from our […]

Adam and Eve, Charm, and The Big Bang!

Hello again everyone! Very sorry for the late post, this has been a troubling past few weeks for all of us I am sure, but despite that, I still am very excited for this blog post! The question I chose is something that really caught my eye when I was first looking at the list […]

Assignment 3:2 – Function of Discourse in Our Societies

For this week’s blog post, I chose to answer question 6 from Unit 3:1. The question is focused on Lee Maracle’s paragraph where she writes: “In order for criticism to arise naturally from within our culture, discourse must serve the same function it has always served. In Euro-society, literary criticism heightens the competition between writers […]

Midterm Reflection

Hello everyone! Seeing that now is the time for midterm reflection, I will be listing below my three favourite blog posts from the first half of the term. The first blog post I would like to submit for review is assignment 2:4, which is ‘the assumptions made on history’. The questions focused on Lutz’s assumption […]

Assignment 2:6 – Authenticity and Truth

The question I chose to answer for assignment 2:6 is question five, which poses “To raise the question of ‘authenticity’ is to challenge not only the narrative but also the ‘truth’ behind Salish ways of knowing” (Carlson, 59). This question is asking me to explain why this is the case according to Carlson, and why […]

2:4 – The Assumptions Made on History

For Assignment 2:4, I chose to answer question 3 at the end of unit 2, which is based on a section on John Lutz’s book ‘Myth and Memory’. The section I read and analyzed for this question was “First Contact as a Spiritual Performance: Encounters on the North American West Coast”. Lutz makes an assumption […]

2:3 – What is Home to Me and You

Hi everyone! For this week’s blog post I will be identifying similarities in my classmates’ and my definition of ‘home’. I’ll be discussing Alexandra’s, Chino’s, Jade’s, Gaby’s, Megan’s, and Georgia’s blogs about the values of home.  Alex says that she had a solid concept of home. She emphasized the trust her and her family members […]

Assignment 2:2

Home – a four lettered word with a bigger meaning than describable. It means safety, security, a sense of belonging, having someone to turn to, somewhere to go when you need to take shelter.    So what does home mean to me? That is a difficult question to answer. From a young age the concept […]

Assignment 1:5

The Young Girl’s Story of Evil I have a great story to tell you. It is about a young girl from a small village near the woods, and I am sure you have yet to hear about her. Whether you enjoy this story or not is up to you, but it is a story that […]


Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog. For this blog post, I will be focusing on story and literature and addressing a question that I found to be very interesting in my opinion. I will be writing a summary of three significant points that I found most interesting in the final chapter of If this […]

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