Author: Juliet O'Brien

Notes: week 7

Bodleian, Douce MS 134; from a Twitter thread by Damien Kempf ARITHMETIC reading: False Semblance, prophesy, calculations and time (and timelessness and being out of time), apocalypse (Roman de la Rose 3-14, 21-26, 168-193, 307-308, 312-318) Bodleian, Douce MS 195 f.

Notes: week 6

RHETORIC reading: Love & Genius, sermons (Roman de la Rose 26-43, 158-68, 300-18) TUESDAY 1. Discussion of blog questions & comments on week 5 2. Rhetoric in applied practice: persuasion and teaching and learning (and a test! for the lover,

Notes: week 5

  LOGIC reading: Friend, clerkly culture (Roman de la Rose 48-49, 111-153) TUESDAY 1. Discussion of blog questions & comments on week 4 2. Logos, “in the middle” of the medieval multiverse, being in time (and outside it, and in several

Notes: week 4

GRAMMAR TUESDAY & THURSDAY The Romance of the Rose and its structure (spoiler: it’s a rose) and outer frame: A unified and universal grammar of love Or, what’s next after an arts education and how is it liberal or liberating?

Notes: week 3

TUESDAY introduction to the liberal arts via student group presentations of their findings from Thursday’s fieldwork on each of their liberal arts and its representation in Martianus Capella, The Marriage of Philology and Mercury (1): Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, and

Notes: weeks 1-2

Welcome to the first set of notes for this class. Notes will generally consist of: a synopsis of what was covered: synopsis, key terms and concepts a list of references, as far as possible with links: either to the things


…will be appearing here after that week’s classes These notes are just notes: you may record the class too. The main material contained in these notes will be references, especially of a contextual and intertextual nature. weeks 1-2 week 3


The following may be useful for your final paper for this course, and for research papers in other arts / humanities courses and areas. NB: for the final paper, you may choose to write on a topic that requires more

Medieval European literature & culture

[A collection of VERY ANTIQUE older links: hopefully a useful start, and please add more in comments…] UBC Medieval Studies Resources UBC Early Romance Studies research cluster: online resources for Early Romance studies For pre-1800 Romance languages, literatures, and culture;

Criticism & commentary

Base: version used in MDVL 302: European Literature of the 14th to the 16th centuries – “Criticism” (UBC, Faculty of Arts, Medieval Studies Programme, AY 2011-12 Winter session term 2) + a couple of upates (ex. on plagiarism, style guides)


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