A little ditty about me

Hello Arts 1!

I am Megan Burton, hailing from Burnaby, B.C

Since I could talk I have been singing, and I love to entertain! Music is a passion of mine, as well as volleyball. I played club for 3 years and In high school that is what I spent most of my free time doing! My favourite TV shows are from Netflix, like the IT Crowd, Pretty Little Liars, and the Walking Dead. I am embarrassed that I have divulged my dark secret which is that I am a closeted PLL fan, but hey, we all have something right?! 😉

The reason I joined Arts 1 was to improve my writing (obviously) but also because I was really intrigued by the diverse literary works we will be tackling. What other class has Shaun of the Dead on their reading list?! I am very excited to begin remaking and remodelling my own work, as well as outlooks and I look forward to learning alongside all of you! 🙂

-Megan B.