Living Arrangements

“UBC Student Housing and Hospitality Services | Vancouver is pleased to offer you a place in residence for the 2010/2011 Winter Session, beginning September 4, 2010.”

I swear I feel like I won some million dollar lottery. Huge rounds of applauses and fireworks are going off in my head. I feel damn lucky that I’m spared one more year of apartment hunting/renting in Vancouver. But unlike me, many MANY people I know didn’t get accepted. If you’re living on res, chances are you’ve heard all about this – UBC and the lack of housing placements. And if you haven’t, maybe climb out from under that rock and visit the facebook group? (Sorry no link, I’m on fb detox. But I swear there’s one, I’ve heard lots about it.)

I know I really shouldn’t been complaining as I’m fortunate enough to get a placement next year, BUT seriously everyone I considered living with next year didn’t get in. BLAAAAHH. What if I get put with some creepy stalker or some high maintenance “OMG I just broke a nail” barbie?

In the meantime, for those who have apartment hunting/looking for a place to stay next year on their to-do list, here’s a good place to start. A website many of my friends found useful:

Best of luck.