Playbooks Aren’t So Fun to Play With.

by Melissa Chau ~ October 28th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Breaking into the highly competitive touchpad market isn’t a very easy task to do especially when Apple’s iPad and Samsung’s Galaxy Tablet already pretty much dominate. With BlackBerry’s Playbook, not doing so well, RIM is practically begging businesses to buy them. Even after lowering their high price of $499 to $299, sales are still low and to the point that they are offering buy 2 get 1 free offers. On top of that, RIM has announced that they will be delaying their software update (Blackberry OS 2.0) until late February of next year. Delaying the update will probably shoot down any of their remaining chances of making sales this holiday season. Playbooks have been doing so poorly that they have only sold around 700,000 units since April, about as many iPads Apple sells in a week. 

Already viewed as being desperate to clear their inventory, in my opinion, i think that RIM should just focus on clearing their stocks of playbooks and look towards further developing and improving their blackberry cellular devices. If they keep producing these playbooks, they will essentially be losing money because the tablet market is pretty much already taken over by other competitors. Besides, after their recent outage, i’m pretty sure RIM has some major issues to work on.

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