“Knock, Knock” Scammer Here.

by Melissa Chau ~ November 15th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

In Mike Holman’s blog, “Money Smarts”, he describes his experience with door-to-door salespersons and tells us of the time of how he almost got scammed. In his article, he explains that the Ontario energy market was de-regulated in order to introduce competition into the market, as a result, many individual re-sellers use the door-to-door strategy to lure people into signing contracts.

Door-to-door salespersons can be seen as dangerous and crook-like because they usually prey on people who are vulnerable enough to make hasty decisions. Mothers with young children, old and sickly people are usually targeted. The Door-to-door sales technique is even seen as criminalizing and was almost banned in the US. There have even been some cases of burglary, sexual battery and rape while selling magazines door to door for a magazine company, Paragon Dynasty.

In this day and age, people are more conscious of scams and are more reluctant to open the door. Whenever I have sales people come to my door, i usually ignore them or open the blinds to shoo them away. In my opinion, door-to-door sales is un-effective, people are now aware that the majority of these salespeople are professionals and are good at getting what they want.

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