Week 6: Citizenship and Rights in the New Republics

We would normally without looking closely at history believe that from the word independence, it would mean a win-win situation in which every single person in society would get equal rights, opportunities and freedom. However in this chapter of the journey of  Latin america we learned it was not that way. Latin america hardly let go all those already established social systems that were put in place during colonialism. Many of the theories argue how independence was just an economical movement trying to benefit financially those landowners Europeans descendants who were tired of giving all their revenues to the Spanish crown. So if all the marginalized minorities stayed in their same social position, when was Latin America’ s real independence? I personally could see how we are still trying to archive it.

It is interesting to see that after independence slavery was still very much alive in Latin america. Cuba and Brasil were the last countries to end up with slavery, and this was done through a very slow process. Cuba named this process the “Patronato” and Brasil was pressured by the British crown to accelerate this process. In contrast with the United States, the combination of races allowed people to have social mobility, this explains the reason why some slaves owners were people of dark skin themselves, however they had married or where the sons of a light skinned person.

The church was still having a major influence in the society, to the extent of determining where woman were going to stand in society. In Latin america the rights for woman were a process, thus nations first had to make sure they ended with the foreign oppression to then make sure all individuals had the same rights. However the church, made this process difficult for woman, arguing they should only be taking care of the domestic affairs, and nothing else. We can see that also depending on your skin color of family name, as a woman you could have access to some rights such as education.

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