Week 8: Signs of Crisis in a Gilded Age

This signs of crisis in Latin America were previously announced to us in the previous chapter. One of the things I found most interesting is the fact that while reading the “Plan de Ayala” you can see a very strong contrast with the description made by James Creelman about mexico and how progressive it was, how beautiful, that he almost made it seem to us that there were no problems what so ever, but what they did not see was all this crisis that was hidden growing to exploit at a future point.

On the other hand we do not  only see the growing internal problems in Latin america, but also how there are external threats, such  as the growing power of the United States. For me, as a Nicaraguan, I feel so identify with this poem from Ruben Dario. I find it powerful the fact that Dario being a poet in “To Roosevelt” he uses a very direct language calling the United state “the hunter” and preventing the Latin american from this threat that will take away their freedom, because the government of Roosevelt was now allowed to intervene in the Latin  American provinces

Mariátegüi, in his essay shows us his Marxist point of view about the economy. He is against the land distribution, and says it is better to go back to the commonly shared land and to an authoritarian system just like the Inca’s communism.

Another  very attractive reading was the called “La raza cosmica” which explains that taste is our first step to relationships. Describing 3 stages, first materialistic, second intellectual and third, aesthetic and spiritual. These caught my attention specially because I personally believe everyone has different interests and therefore this reading could not apply to all the population equally, however it is interesting to see this point of view, according to which the race in Latin America is of great pride because it has a mixture of cultures.



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