

Hi there! Welcome to my official UBC Blog for English 301!

English 301 is all about Technical Writing, and I am hopeful that I will take all that I learn from this course and apply it in the future in my professional work setting(s). I hope that I acquire the technical writing skills that are necessary for me to market myself to potential institutions and admissions officers/recruiters for further education and, eventually, employers. I do not look at this course as simply an academic credit or class, but as a professional development opportunity that touches on a variety of key topics within the practice of self-growth — self-improvement and reflection, collaboration with others, and organization & time management. I believe that this course teaches valuable necessities and deliverables for university students (e.g. proposals, resumes, etc.) seeking employment and that such topics should be taught more widespread.

This blog is intended for me to publish my writing, assignments, thoughts, and more for my professor and fellow classmates to see and comment on. I will be regularly updating this blog as it coincides with our course outline and schedule. I look forward to seeing what my fellow students and instructor say about the work I share within this course; I often look forward to receiving constructive criticism on my work as I’m always striving to improve.

I would like to briefly acknowledge that although I am a part of and collaborate with several groups on campus during the academic year, the work submitted and thoughts shared within this blog reflect my own opinions and do not represent the university or any of its many diverse groups.

With that being said, let the fun begin! If you find yourself resonating with something I post or you want to begin a discussion with me, leave a comment!