If only a platform to encourage entrepreneurial efforts from teenagers was introduced years ago, current entrepreneurs would have had mentors, guidance, and the support they so desperately desired. Ten lucky young entrepreneurs will now get the chance to interact in the real business world; Hootsuite is hosting “The Next Big Thing”, a 6 month program in Vancouver where young entrepreneurs will be provided with first hand experiences, mentor-ships, and collaborations.
The act of simply ‘doing’ is a much better learning process than sitting in a classroom environment and taking notes. I believe that the way to really understand something is to get involved in the action, with none other than hands on experience itself. All some entrepreneurs need is the guidance in order to help bring their innovations to life; Hootsuite is taking a primary role in providing an idealistic stage for these future entrepreneurs, by providing them with real opportunities and a life changing experience.
This will ultimately inspire young entrepreneurs and allow them to ask questions, grow, and get a foot into the business world at an accelerated pace. After all, these bright young individuals are the next innovators and creators of the future. Who knows what ideas and inventions they have in store for society, and how potentially world changing their ideas could be.