After visiting Safira Nabila’s blog, I was intrigued by her post on the possibility of Instagram joining the advertising train, and pondered many things. Safira’s opinion is logical; during this Instagram frenzy, teenagers especially are addicted to posting photos and videos on Instagram and by adding advertisements, Instagram can capitalize on this app traffic.
As an Instagram lover myself, I question whether loyal Instagram fans will be willing to endure the frustration of ads? It’s no question that teenagers all complain about the frequent pop up of ads and their inability to visit a social media site without seeing some kind of promotional ad is annoying. After all, we’re all guilty of clicking the ‘skip’ button as soon as it presents itself on Youtube in order to skip the commercial and immediately be directed to our video of interest.
However, if advertisements persist on Instagram, what’s stopping another company from creating a similar add free app? This could potentially be the perfect environment for innovative minds to bring forth an alternative video and photo posting app and winning over previous Instagram fans. Also, with this change, this could be a growing advantage for ad blocking programs.
I agree with Safira on one thing; we all constantly complain about ads, but we continue to use sites such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter anyways. The real question is whether or not Instagram enthusiasts will be able to transition to another app, or stop using Instagram all together because of their strong dislike for advertisements, and the consequences this would have for Instagram.
It’s usually hard to be the first to leave when your friends are still standing in that area.If that happens, it would be a big collective movement that takes place almost simultaneously. 😉