In Response to Samantha K.’s Blog “Scott’s Big Lie”:

Read Samantha’s original blog entry at:

Have you ever exaggerated a tad on your resume in order to stand out among your fellow competitors? Have you ever re-worded your experiences to make yourself sound as accomplished as possible?

Well, over-embellishment on your resume can cause you serious trouble, some even lost their jobs during the process. Yahoo’s Scott Thompson learned this lesson the harsh way.

In May of 2012, Yahoo’s chief executive Scott Thompson was forced to reign after just four months on the job. Thompson’s resume claims that he has earned both accounting and computer science degrees from Stonehill College near Boston. However, Thompson later admitted that he has been deceitful about the latter degree.[1]

At the end of Samantha’s blog, an important question is raised: “Is it truly worth it to lie?”

My answer to that is most definitely not. If you feel your past experience is not enough to obtain your dream job, there are many justifiable ways to gain the qualifications you need! For example, you could take night classes, volunteer for relevant organizations, or find a job in the similar category. Glamorizing your resume might seem like an easy shortcut. However, fabrication says more about you as an employee than your accomplishments ever will.


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