External Blog Link: “7 Key Strategies That You Must Learn from Apple Marketing”

Read KISSmetric’s original blog here: http://blog.kissmetrics.com/7-strategies-apple-marketing/

In 2010, Apple made headlines when they surpassed Exxon Mobile as the world’s most valuable company. In the last decade, Apple has released many unique products that revolutionized the technology industry.

So the question on everyone’s mind is, how did Apple do it?

How did Apple go from being on the edge of bankruptcy to the most profitable retailer in the entire United State?

Their secret lies within their marketing strategy. KISSmetric outlines seven strategies Apple adapted to achieve its success:

  1. Ignore your critics
  2. Turn the ordinary into something beautiful
  3. Justify your price
  4. Communicate in the language of your audience
  5. Extend the experience
  6. Build a tribe, and
  7. Become “the name”

With these strategies, Apple manages to sell its products on value and not price. “iPhone was not the first phone, but they engineered it to be so unique that you couldn’t help but think it was”, my favorite quote from the blog, shows the essentials of Apple’s phenomenal success and what separated Apple from any other business. By creating a product customers would want, the company allows consumers to connect with the brand at a core level.

This Mac vs. PC ad had gone viral upon its release. This series of ad interested me in particular, not only because the ad highlights Mac’s uniqueness, it also personifies the brand to demonstrate its market value.

As an iPhone owner, I think Apple has truly gone above and beyond to build a product that is effortless and innovative. Apple has made me a loyal customer by dedicating their product to my needs and educating me through extensive marketing strategies on the irreplaceability of their product. Today, not only does Apple own dominant market share, Apple made incredible contribution to the industry by being the definition of creativity.

Response to “Cisco Takes Social Media Seriously”

Read Matthew Marshall’s original blog post here: https://blogs.ubc.ca/matthewmarshall2/2013/10/08/cisco-takes-social-media-seriously/

Cisco, The Human Network (1)

In effort to gain better knowledge of their customer base, Cisco launched a Social Media Listening Center at its headquarter in October 2012. With the establishment of this listening center, Cisco had a 281% return on investment over a 5 month period.  Moreover, staff productivity was improved: They processed customer inquiries and concerns in a efficient and timely manner. Furthermore, Cisco recognized the value of social media and its remarkable ability to reach out to a large audience.

The transformation of Cisco’s marketing strategy heavily adopts principles of  inbound marketing, a practice of online marketing that uses various social media channels, and blogs to publish content that people will easily find and engage with. The industry giant of 67,000 employees and an annual revenue of $48.6 billion, monitor over 70 company related Facebook pages, 100 Twitter accounts. With over 5000 daily social media mentions, Cisco successfully reaches enterprise goals by incorporating online content production into their brand building.

In my opinion, Cisco’s heavy investment and emphasis on inbound marketing is an excellent low-cost solution to touch base with its large customer base. The company is able to convey its customer-centric brand value through their content. Inbound marketing is also an incredibly personable approach as it allows customers to share content, engage in materials produced, and be in direct contact with the company. Like the message in the commercial above, inbound marketing allows Cisco to make intimate connections with its consumers in a seemingly large world.


(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DarN3jvzP94

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