Google Glass: Condensed, simple, and handy new technology that will change our ways of living.
How will this change our lives? Simple, the google glass will listen to almost all commands just like Apple’s Siri. It would be helpful with taking pictures, video streaming, surfing the web, and even texting other people. This will be a product that will change our lives.

Google Glass: what you need to know

The Google glass is still ways from making into our market, but it will be available soon, as of right now there are many people who are using google glass as a beta version. The opinion of this glass is great and people are starting to like it more and more. This new technology as said above ” Will change our daily lives” because the simpleness of the whole system is such great convenient. It will be a game changer for the market as well, because it seems like the Google glass will be a monopoly market. Why? think about it Google glass is a one of its kind and if other companies started copying it, it would be just copying Google’s idea. A monopoly is the industry itself and because of that Google will make some profit off Google glass.

Some explanation of Google glass











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