Marketing Plan Reflection

The Marketing Plan assignment, was a great experience overall and one of the most interesting projects that I have had the chance to work on since my enrollment at The Sauder School of Business. It firstly deepened my interest in marketing and then solidified my intent on pursuing a marketing career. My group had chosen Coca Cola as the company that was the subject of our analysis. One of the lessons I learned is that this world never stops changing and can turn you upside down.  Coca Cola is known especially in North American as being one of the major players in obesity. But now with growing health trends it has to re position itself as a healthy brand. This is most likely the biggest challenged this brand has ever faced and will I believe determine whether or not is still will be a leading beverage brand. I also learned that marketing involved a lot more then just getting consumers to buy in to the products you were offering.

In terms of group work right from the start there was a lot difficulty in trying to meet in person for our meetings. Even though I personally tried to push the team to meet in person but unfortunately it never quite as often as I personally liked. Thus, most of our group communication was done via technology mostly in chat form. Also, as the project developed peers in my group started to have opposing views and disagreements as well as some were lost what had been done and decided. Thus, I felt as the group was getting more disconnected as the project went on and I somewhat assumed the role of mediator.  However, my peers were proven to be hardworking and all had a lot to contribute. Thus, Even though we had a hard time communicating we got the job done as it was truly a group effort and I believe that most were somewhat satisfied with the end result. I now greatly understand the value and importance of meeting in person and will ensure for future projects placing an emphasis on meeting in person.

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