Nov 12 2012

In response to Helena Lin’s blog post ‘PG-13 is so last year’:

Published by at 6:10 pm under Internal Blogs,Marketing,Replies

When faced with ticket sales that refuse to increase, what should a theatre do? Innovate, which is exactly what Cineplex has done by introducing a ‘luxury’ movie experience for adults. After all, finding reasons to increase ticket prices seems to be a logical alternative to increasing ticket sales. This strategy hits home on the main issues that might ward adults away from movie theatres: a lack of time, and a dislike for the rowdy teenage crowd that often frequents said theatres. They’re also the customers who would have the resources to pay extra for such an experience.

However, it could be argued that the current economy will not support such a venture on a large scale, since consumers may be unwilling to spend increased amounts on a regular basis. VIP movies could be a ‘treat’ every once in a while, but it seems unlikely that adults would purchase premium tickets every time they go to the movies.

This is still an innovative idea regardless, and the numbers so far imply its success — so perhaps there is more potential that will be unlocked by Cineplex’s continued expansion into the field with their additional adult-only theatres due in 2014.


Related Links:

Helena Lin: PG-13 is so last year

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