Re Kevin Zhuang’s “Social Media: Your Recruiters Are Watching You”

Is it getting increasingly more complex to get a job nowadays? Indeed. As Kevin mentioned in his blog, you’d better watch out for each tiny step you take. Every detail of your life is available through the internet. Reading his blog reminded me the things I have written through the social media, and I will be absolutely more cautious from now on.

With today’s well developed technology, it is almost impossible to hide something you have done or said in the past. If someone intends to do some researches on you, he can find dozens of ways to do so. As asserted by Kevin, even though social media helps you expand your network, it also makes your life an open book to anyone who’s interested in you. Many people may concern this negative side of social media as it more or less blocks our path towards our dream careers, but is it really? A lot of people tend to behave differently in an interview from who they really are in the daily lives, and this is the main reason why people perceive it as the dark side of social media. They are trying to hide their true identities from the employers.

However, no matter what kind of situation you are in, hiding is never the solution. As I mentioned in my second blog, the most effective way of branding yourself is to embrace who you are, but not forcing yourself to become someone else. Social media may reveal something you may not want others to see. Then so be it. Everyone has his history. Everyone has done or said bad things, but that does not make you a bad person. We should not be afraid of social media tearing down our career path, but instead, we should accept it as chance to understand ourselves and find jobs that actually fit us. As I mentioned in my second blog, never force yourself to fit the job, but let the job fit you.

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