Creative Writing


Ragtime for Beginners. St John’s: Killick, 2008. (Nominated for the ReLit award for best new work released by independent publisher; reviewed in Canadian Literature 200 [Spring 2009]).

You can purchase the book at Chapters or directly from the publisher.




“Geometry.” Poetry in Transit 2008-2009 (poem displayed on Vancouver city busses).

“Found.” New Quarterly 95 (2005): 87. Guest editor: Robyn Sarah.

“Crane Story.”  Prairie Fire 26 (2005): 140.

“Diptych: First Recital.” Event 33.3 (2005): 48-49.

from the Piano Poems.” Matrix 68 (2004): 48-49.

“Ballet Lesson,” “Five Seven Five.” The Antigonish Review 138 (2004): 63-64.

“A Pomegranate is a Picture of a Pomegranate.” Contemporary Verse 2 26.3 (2004): 48.

“On the Train.” Grain X (2004): 62.

“You are Beautiful.” A Room of One’s Own 26.3 (2003): 23.

“They Gave me their Piano.” The Malahat Review 139 (2002): 81.

MY WRITING HAS ALSO APPEARED IN MAGAZINES LIKE Maisonneuve, Pure Canada, and Flatiron and in ads for Lufthansa Airlines.


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