
  1. Riparian buffer regulations:strips protect fish and fish habitat and adaptive management experiments should be conducted to evaluate the buffer width and configuration issue.
  2. Managing riparian areas: Foresters should play an active role to protect instream habitat and at the same time enhance fish production through careful riparian thinning or strategic planning.
  3. Stream and watershed rehabilitation programs:Programs should be initiated which will aim at creating  new off-channel spawning and rearing habitat, enhancing instream physical habitat, stabilizing stream banks, deactivating logging roads etc.
  4. Managing road crossings:crossings can be managed by installing more bottom-alternating baffles which provide lower water velocities and resting pools, which can help in fish passage.
  5. Implementing new fisheries management policies:should be more  policies addressing fisheries management concerns
  6. Regulating harvesting practices:Regulatory bodies should stop commercial harvest in those populations considered threatened or at risk of extinction.
  7. Monitoring salmon population:Monitoring programs should have a holistic approach, unbiased and include partnership and local interest groups
  8. Proper maintenance protocol for decommissioned FSRs: Ecosystem functions to decommissioned roadways―introduce complexity, infiltration, etc.
  9. Define specific assessment criteria and end goals:Allows for proper evaluation of project methodology and overall success. Facilitates decision-making throughout project implementation.
  10.  Monitoring of upstream reaches and spawning area:
    1. Fine particle sediment load and deposition
    2. Salmon habitat stability and population
    3. Structural components


  11. Design forest roads sustainably: Cooperation between different professional accreditations as means of minimizing the impact of FSR construction and use. This may include foresters, Agrologists, engineers, and biologists.
  12. Alternative building materials: Instead of applying traditional construction methods, engineers should consider integrating soil science principles (etc.) into infrastructure planning and construction based on frequency of use and expected lifespan.