Week 6 [Pedro Paramo]

This week’s reading is “the introduction to Magic Realism”, and it was interesting to read it with the spoilers the professor gave. Just like professor Jon mentioned in class when he gave us a spoiler about Pedro Paramo. Going in knowing that almost all the characters would be dead. It partially ruined a little the “suspense” and excitement of finding that out for yourself, but at the same time, it was also valuable. It made diving into the book and understanding it easier and cleared up some things that would have confused me or tripped me off had I not known.

I really like this concept that characterizes the magical realism of the uncertain. Juan and we, as readers, need clarification for a while about whether it’s objective. From the start, Juan starts seeing his mother and hearing things at some point. He is imagining, and even at some point, I questioned if he was dead, and we weren’t aware of it. And, of course, he does die midway through the book, but I found out later.

Another off-putting thing is the timeline. I had to google it at some point since it confused me a bit, and I found out it needed to be in order. It is not linear like I am used to. That fashion of storytelling that does not follow linear narration is not my favourite when it comes to reading it. I enjoy the complexity of movies, but when it is in reading, it throws me off a little, which in the end, makes me appreciate the overall story a bit less.
I really enjoyed the theme of this reading. The concept of dreams and passion, and motivation is a great one. It has a lot of versatility when it comes to storytelling, especially in a genre such as magic realism.
My question for you this week. This whole idea of what happens to all of our dreams and our motivation of who we wanted to be go when we die? What becomes of us when we die without becoming who we could have been. Anyways, honoring johns request to make the questions more about the book and its characters rather than about you folks, is …

What character story is the one that compelled you the most and why? Like for example, Susasa, Juan, and Fulgor. Etc.

Thank you for reading my post this week; I can’t wait to read yours.



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