Sue M’s UBC MET E-Portfolio

ETEC565A – Section 66C – Summer 2009

Reflection on Building an Assessment Instrument in Moodle

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I have designed and developed a quiz in Moodle for the online course I am developing for ETEC565A, as per Assignment #4 criteria. 

  • In my E-Portfolio #4, Assessment Tools – Quizzes, I defined my process, the documentation consulted, and included notes to self for areas I need to revisit to ensure I have followed best practices for their implementation within the Moodle course and have adhered to sound pedagogical instructional design!

 Although I’ve developed many quizzes in Moodle both through importing question text and through coding questions and quizzes directly in Moodle, this assignment took more time than I had planned. I realize that I started to develop the questions and assemble the quiz in the LMS, without first completing the off-line design.

Prior to starting to build in the LMS, I had written the text for a variety of question types (multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, short answer, essay and matching).  However, I had not considered sufficient distracters for multiple choice questions, nor partially correct alternatives allowable for the short answer questions.  For each question, I had not authored general feedback for the entire question and specific targeted feedback for each correct, partially correct and incorrect responseNor had I designed the grading feedback for the entire quiz.

As I explored deeper the documentation for questions and quizzes, I learned Moodle quiz functionality has many layers and can be very powerful with additional features than I have used previously, both at the question level, the category level, and the quiz level.  I am still experimenting with various combinations of settings at each of these levels and evaluating the effect to the presentation of individual questions and the overall quiz delivery for learners, and the impact of these combinations on marks and grading feedback.

Reminder:  Check notes to self, one month prior to start date (no later than August 14, 2009).

Written by Sue M.

June 27th, 2009 at 12:43 pm

Posted in Reflections

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