1.What classes did you teach this week and what was the topic?
I taught Tech Ed 8 (Safety Videos) Junior Auto (L1-CO2 Car, L2-Large Motors, L3-Oil Change), Junior Wood (jewellery box/wooden chair) and co-taught Senior Wood (individual self-directed projects).
2.What is going well? What is one thing about this week that caused you to feel good?
This was the second time I did the safety/procedure video project with a class. Even though this was the second time, because it was grade 8s who were doing this project, I was unsure if it would go well. Thankfully, it went great! Most of the students loved the project and were really getting into it, and many of them showed creativeness for the finished video. I couldn’t be happier with the results from the class.
3.Did you experience any critical incidents this week? Describe at least one.
One issue that I am having is with one student in grade 8. He has extreme PTSD, which in turn leads to disruptiveness and listening difficulties. Throughout the video project, many times he was not on task, or not listening to instructions. I’m trying to find ways in which to keep students (with PTSD) focused, and on task when doing a project.
4.Where do you think you could use help? In what ways can we (school advisor and faculty advisor) help you?
As we come to close for the long practicum, I hope that both my SA and FA give me good feedback for myself, as well as to people who may contact them as my reference.
5.Identify feelings that you experienced this week and what caused them e.g., what are your thoughts and feelings about your students and colleagues this week?
I’m feeling that I am ready for my own classroom, to have to freedom to pick and choose my own projects, and to implement everything that I have learned during this practicum.
6.What question(s) are you pursuing this week? And have you found the answer and what is it? (For example: How does the international student system work in the school? What supports are in place for students who do not speak English?)
The main question I will be exploring is “How to I keep the student with PTSD in focus during this week?”