#18: Third Week

1. What classes did you teach this week and what was the topic?

I took over Junior Mechanics (Junior Auto) course this week. It was a short week; the level ones and level twos were already into their first projects, so I did lessons on some of the steps for the electric motor, as well as a mini lesson on how to use the metal lathe. In Tech Ed 8, I taught them measurement and dimensioning, as well as introducing the big “project” of a ping pong launcher.

2. What is going well? What is one thing about this week that caused you to feel good?

Taking over the junior auto course was a smooth transition; the students were already familiar with what they were doing, as well as myself acting as a teacher in the classroom. They were respectful and listened very well to my directions. I’m also getting a lot of help from the Learning Resource Centre, having some of the teachers come down and assess the situation on one of my students in my Tech Ed class, who has an IEP. He is starting to get the help he needs, and we are thinking of good strategies for him so he can be successful in our class.

3. Did you experience any critical incidents this week? Describe at least one.

There wasn’t any bad critical incidents, but we did have a Pro D Day on Friday. My SA and I were about to go to the Pro D Meetings, but all the classes that were available were really not related to Technology Education. So what we did was compromise and made use of the day by going to Central and teaching each other professional skills needed for the classroom. Alex showed me the steps in needed to make a traveler’s guitar, which I will be making a detailed step-by-step plan for him to use in future classrooms. He taught me valuable skills in woodworking that can be used for other projects as well. I in turn taught him how to film and edit safety videos that can be useful for reviewing for students, as well as a good hook for them to get interested in safety. I taught him things that he needed to film, and how to edit using editing software on the computer.

4. Where do you think you could use help? In what ways can we (school advisor and faculty advisor) help you?

I think what could help me the following weeks is just focusing on classroom schedule; because the students will be in the shops now, they should kind of know how the class is run (quick rundown on what we will do today  shop work  clean up  wash hands). If this classroom schedule isn’t placed, I think it will be very hard to control the classroom.

Also, because students will be on different steps (using different machinery), I think it can be helpful if SA and FA help me by giving me strategies to keep my eyes on every student, rather than focus on one machine.

5. Identify feelings that you experienced this week and what caused them e.g., what are your thoughts and feelings about your students and colleagues this week?

Overall, I am still having a lot of fun; I’m learning every week on better strategies and ways to manage the classroom, and really acting as a sponge and trying to retain as much as can during my practicum. Everyone, both students and staff have all been very nice. Burnaby Central is great!

6. What question(s) are you pursuing this week? And have you found the answer and what is it? (For example: How does the international student system work in the school? What supports are in place for students who do not speak English?)

The main question I’m exploring this week is “How do I keep eyes on each student when in the shop?” I think this will be the most important aspect to keep in mind when in the shop pertaining to safety of the students.

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