#20: Fifth Week

1. What classes did you teach this week and what was the topic?

I taught Tech 8 (finishing up the sketching and orthographic projections for prepping to go into the shop next week), Junior Auto (focus was on the 4 stroke engine) and co-taught Junior Wood (jewellery box) and Senior Wood (individual self-directed projects).

2. What is going well? What is one thing about this week that caused you to feel good?

I think that having everything planned (even if lessons change) and practicing demos beforehand really helped me hone my skills in showing demos in subjects that I am weak in, especially Junior Auto. Automotive, being the weakest subject out of the eleven subjects that I learned at BCIT, is a big challenge for me, but I’m trudging through. I am learning a lot by doing the demos in front of students as well as doing it on my own time.

3. Did you experience any critical incidents this week? Describe at least one.

The biggest critical incident was on Wednesday. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed by practicum, especially the auto class. Like I stated, automotive is my weakest subject, and I had very low confidence in teaching this subject and being assessed on this subject. My stress and anxiety levels were at an all time high, both my physical and mental health were low, and doubts were starting to creep into my head. Even with all the prep that I was doing such as doing the demos beforehand, going over things with my SA, it was hard. Thankfully, my SA was there to kind of push me again to be a better teacher; he said, “I think this practicum is the time where you can really hone your weaknesses and improve your knowledge on subjects that you are weak in.” And this line is very true. This practicum is for me to improve all aspects of my teaching, including the practical portion of auto. My willingness to learn has grown, and I am trying my best to try and stay on top of things. My SA is supportive of this by showing me kind of the step-by-step process of maintenance of things on vehicles, and has given me advice on using tools, machinery, etc. Even though it is still very challenging for me to be teaching a weak subject area, I think that ultimately, this hard journey will help me become a much better technology educator.

4. Where do you think you could use help? In what ways can we (school advisor and faculty advisor) help you?

The best way my SA can help me by continuing to give me advice in the classroom, especially regarding “hazard awareness”, such as what places in the shop I should focus on. He can also support me by doing what he’s doing right now, showing me step-by- step the process of taking things apart and putting it back together before I actually demo it in front of the classroom.

My FA can help me by continuing to support me to become a better educator, giving me assurance that I am improving, and also providing advice for better lessons and planning.

5. Identify feelings that you experienced this week and what caused them e.g., what are your thoughts and feelings about your students and colleagues this week?

Feelings were up and down throughout the week. I had a very low moment in the middle of the week because of my lifestyle and personality; I have high standards for myself, and I do not like to take risks. Taking on woodworking and auto, where I could’ve taken subjects that I am stronger in such as drafting and electronics, was a big risk for me. This challenge is a big one, but I am willing to go through it, learn the most I can, and take away the knowledge that I learned in the practicum into the classroom.

6. What question(s) are you pursuing this week? And have you found the answer and what is it? (For example: How does the international student system work in the school? What supports are in place for students who do not speak English?)

The main question I will be pursuing is “What is the best way to be ‘hazard aware’ in the classroom?”.

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