#4: Three Weeks In

It’s been three weeks so far in the education program at UBC. Everyone has settled into the schedule, some have already done many presentations (including myself), and assignments are starting to be handed in. During these last three weeks, I have surprisingly learned a lot about my personality, thought, and teaching style.

For example, I learned that I tend to stay quiet during class debates on topics such as social class, oppression, etc. These topics can be very sensitive to a lot of the class members, so although I’m more observant in those kinds of conversations, I still give some input when needed. Secondly, my teaching style is very different from what I thought. From day to day scheduling, I tend to be on the more perfectionist side where I write down my schedule and follow it to a tee; however, when I am presenting or teaching something, I am much more relaxed and laid back, and feel much more fluid on how the lesson is presented.

It’s interesting that although it’s been only three weeks at UBC, I’ve already developed a big interest in some courses such as my inquiry class or my LLED class. While some classes don’t interest me at all, I am still trying to learn and retain as much information as I can because I see the importance of all the classes and information that I’m learning. To end, I hope that I stay on task, don’t get stressed, and have a fun experience here.

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