#6: Micro-Teaching

We had our first micro-teaching presentations for EDCP 471; I would say that it was a really good insight into the different teaching styles that everyone has, and a very good lesson on what to do and not to do when we’re teaching a lesson.

Everyone had 5 minutes to present on a topic (mostly hand tools) that they chose previously. You had to make your lesson plan, and basically had to introduce a “new” topic to the class. Some people had very creative ways of presenting; many utilized technology such as an overhead or powerpoint, while some approached it in a more practical way by showing us how to use that particular tool. Others wrote key vocabulary words up on the board so we can reference the jargon used during the presentation (very good for ELL students). All in all, I loved that everyone had a very different approach to teaching, and it showed in their own unique style.

Some words of critique or caution throughout the presentations were:

  1. Word Ticks – Some of the presenters had word ticks in which instead of pausing to think about what they were about to say, they would say “umm”, “so” or “like”.
  2. Enthusiasm – You need to be enthusiastic, making sure you are loud and clear, and slowing down your talking.
  3. Time – Making sure you can keep on time; learn how to adapt to to questions given by the audience, and adjust your lesson accordingly.

I would say that these micro-teaching presentations are one of the best ways to improve as a teacher, and learn what your pros and cons are, and work on aspects of presentation that you are lacking in.

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