Tag Archives: First Post

#1: Finally got it to work!

After having difficulty making a personal blog page (not being able to log in or even signing up for that matter), I finally have my page working. Thus, this is my first post to my blog! I want to reiterate that all ideas, feelings, and experiences shared on this page will be my own thoughts and opinions, and are in no way, shape, or form trying to relay some sort of “message” to anyone; it will be a personal reflection page where I can breakdown how my week went, and how technology has had some sort of impact in my daily education.

Also, I will sharing some inquiry that I have throughout this UBC Education program, such things as:

1) How will technology impact education in the future?
2) What kinds of technology is best utilized in a classroom setting?
3) As a teacher, what are your roles and responsibilities? How about Tech. Studies?
4) What learning strategies can be implemented to better serve all students?

These are some of the questions that I will be exploring, but will not be limited to these specific questions. I look forward to a great experience here at UBC!