Tag Archives: TPI

#2: TPI Results

I decided to take the TPI and my results have come in!

TPI, which stands for Teaching Perspectives Inventory, can be a great way to “help you collect your thoughts and summarize your ideas about teaching.”

If you look at my results (reference chart below), you’ll see that my perspectives are pretty linear in that there isn’t really a category where I’m particularly high or low. It’s interesting that while I have many years of teaching experience, I don’t really have a particular orientation in teaching. I wanted to explore this further by thinking of a reason why this was the result for my TPI.

I think one reason is that I took this test from a Technology teacher’s perspective; although I may have teaching experience, it has all been teaching ELL and to second language students. Because I do not have the experience in teaching technology in a secondary school setting, I think I chose answers based on what kind of teacher I want to be, rather than what kind of teacher I already am. I think it’ll be interesting to take the TPI again after my one year study at UBC, and I hope that it can shine light onto what teaching orientation that I will fall into.