Bushido Bibliography


This website was a good one because it quickly summarized the main points needed for a good paragraph. it did not drag on with irrelevant information.

“Economics mainly developed in Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto. The population grew, Japan increased their trade, more roads and paths were established throughout the country, and a new system of government was established. These changes resulted in a wealth and accomplishment gain.”


it is about Japan in isolation




this is good because of the map on the site and the various sorces at the bottom
 This is a good link because it tells a story about compassion in a military setting. I think this is cool because now i can include a story in my S.A



It talks a lot about the politics of Japan during the Edo Period. It has a lot of other useful information as well.


This site has loads of info that you can use

if you search “edo japan politics” and the fifth one down
This link tells us about the politics of Japan, and compares it a little bit to other dynasties. It allows for you to analyze the politics, but it doesn’t help for anything except politics

5social – hierarchy


This website looks promising. It is useful because it provides quite a bit of information on Tokugawa Shogunate. It goes into detail about the social systems that he invented and people’s classes.


This site is good because it is from a Royal Museum and has lots of information and pictures.

The link I sent highlights the Hierarchy of Japan during the Edo period.



It talks about the leaders of japan and the social status

6social – isolation – religion


It talks about social structure, the year of isolation and the ending
of isolation. It also provides details about rulers, the edo period
and more!

7the shogunate


Link:     http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/541431/shogunate      via “Encyclopedia Britannica”.

This link is about the shogunate: what it is, and the history of the shogunate in Japan.
This link is a viable resource because it is a detailed and informative source for information about the shogunate, from Encyclopedia Britannica.

It is a good website because you can click on the footnotes and go to other websites. It also talks about everything within shoguns and shogunates


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