Monthly Archives: March 2015

HU 7 Wed March 4 – MANY ITEMS

1.1  THREE Things in Life – reviewing BBC “Your Life on Earth” historical algorithms.

/3 Reflection on 3 things which have had the most impact in your life SO FAR.

/3 Reflection on 3 things which may have a future impact in your life. REINSTATED 03/03 7:51a




TOPIC: 3 things to do on Spring Break.

/1 Snappy Opening Line, on topic

/3 points

/3 examples

/1 conclusion

The focus here is on CONTENT & ORGANIZATION. This is a practice  for the Durham Report.


2. ACTION  FILM review OR How MAGIC Creates Community

/1 opinion

/2 examples


3. ALTERNATIVE to Pigs Skunks – Let me know when you submit that it  is a replacement.

Choose another response, using the  Literary Response as a guide.


4. DISCUSSION Qs  – You are now able to do this in person to improve any scores. Literary Response Rubric still applies.


5. Preview / choose Ch. 7 CPR/NEWS topic. Due date not yet assigned (after the Durham Report, and this may end up being after Spring Break).


6. Durham Report is forthcoming, and will be the summative assignment for ch. 6 and last Social Studies assignment for Winter Term.


Slice of Life – Instructions

slice is a snippet of your day. We write about the ordinary moments, the daily grind, and the mundane chores. A slice doesn’t have to be anything fancy or life altering. In fact, the more commonplace, the better. Slices are also short in nature. No need to write a lot of words.

Need some topic ideas? Then check out the list: “31 Slices.” Want more ideas about slices? See this post:

The Finale


Having spent copious hours well-wasted on the joys and frustrations of Super Mario Bros., I can say without a doubt this is the most stunning game play I have, and probably will, ever see. You really have to play the game to appreciate the insanity, but even watching is a thrill.

It Took Three Years To Beat The ‘Hardest

Super Mario World Level Ever’

It Took Three Years To Beat The 'Hardest Super Mario World Level Ever'

“Item Abuse 3” is not a Super Mario World level that messes around. The player-created level is so hardcore, it might very well be impossible for most to beat it under normal means. But recently, someone managed to beat it.

While this run of an incredibly difficult Super Mario World level is done with the help of tools (or, TAS for those of you that are savvy), hopefully it’s obvious to everyone why that doesn’t actually make this any less impressive. Just watching is stressful. Playing through the level requires an impressive amount of both jumping mastery, and item usage mastery—not to mention nerves of steel. It took PangaeaPanga a long time to beat the level, even with the help of a program that accepts button presses on individual frames. And this is that PangaeaPanga actually designed the level too. Lord knows how long it would take someone who doesn’t have intimate knowledge of how the level works.

“The final episode was due to the product of 3 years of on-and-off work, with the approximately 40% of the past 2 months being dedicated solely to this project,” PangaeaPanga wrote on aSuper Mario World forum. “And after furiously being frustrated at even beating my own level, it is completed (and hopefully without any major breaks to be found).”

Item Abuse 3 is, as the name suggests, the third in a series of unbelievably difficult Mario levels. You can see people fail horribly at Item Abuse 1 here, whereas a completed Item Abuse 2 playthrough can be viewed here:

“Over the course of designing each room [in Item Abuse 3], I was able to realize that the similarities between Item Abuse 1 and Item Abuse 2 were atrocious, and that is one of the major things I tried to sway away with the third one,” PangaeaPanga wrote. “In addition, I really wanted Item Abuse 3 to be known as the level in the series that really sticks out to everyone, which mainly meant increased difficulty. In retrospect to most tool-assisted speedrunners, Item Abuse and Item Abuse 2 may be known as the ‘average difficulty level,’ which is still much more difficult compared to the normal Super Mario World hack. Here, I wanted to really push the limits to even tool-assisted speedrunners.”

“Anyone who can complete this is pretty much mentally insane,” PangaeaPanga declared. All the same, brave players can try out Item Abuse 3 here.


Lately, I’ve been thinking about Alberta, and Bison come to mind.  I’ve been thinking about Bison. About their stories. ABOUT BISON STORIES.

Write a story about a Bison. It could be about a baby bison, a hunted Bison or hunter, the spirituality of the Bison, Bison Burgers, Elk Island Park, Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump, the LAST BISON, how a BISON saved humanity….anything.

Short story rubric. Recommended keyword search: baby bison.


HU 7 Ch 1-6 Timelines Checklist

Because only 2 students had their timelines ready for the fall term reporting period, Timeline points for ch. 1-6 will be added to the the winter term (fall term ch 1-3, winter 4-6). This is basically the same as  the rubric from the 10/24/14 email, but also includes ch 4-6.
/1 – 1st nations
/1 – Cartier’s dates, diary pg 35
/1 – Champlain’s letter pg 38
/1 – Courier du Bois short entry
/1 – Colonist Paragraphs
/1 – Seigneurial System Media
/1 BNA / Mercantilism era
/1 Ch 4 point (student choice)
/1 Ch 5/6  (choice from CPR/NEWS paragraphs, abridged)
/1 Ch 5/6 NEW topic
/1 Historical Artifact (abridged)
/1 – Senior Interview (abridged)
/12 – Accurate Historical Dates
/12 – Correct Sequential Order
/12 – Each timeline point visually appealing / enhanced by photos, media, or stand-alone text presented well
/12 –  Media credits

/1  – Timeline Preview link shared

/1  – spreadsheet file shared with PAR




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