
Musqueam Medicinal Garden: The area we are seeking approval to plant is the decommissioned daycare centre adjacent to the First Nations Longhouse.  There are already a number of plants on this site.  The focus of this project will be to enhance the site with medicinal plants and maintain the present vegetation (i.e. there is no plan for removal of trees and shrubs) as well as to incorporate interactive signage.  Clean up of the area has already commenced with a number of work parties of volunteers and Botany Department employees.  It should be noted that this is an opportunity to re-introduce or re-locate plants that are being lost due to construction – for example, an old Oemleria plant (male) has been lost in the recent Ponderosa construction project.  In addition we will collaborate with UBC Building Operations in the re-vegetation of the hedgerow adjacent to the proposed site and parkade which was damaged during piping work.

The Musqueam Medicinal Garden and Plant Walk is an exciting project that provides us the opportunity to collaborate with the Musqueam community to develop an educational garden and walk showcasing how plants are and were utilized for food, medicine, technology, and spirituality by the First Peoples of this region.  A medicinal garden will be developed adjacent to the First Nations Longhouse.  A signed walk will extend from the First Nations Longhouse to include vegetation at the Museum of Anthropology.  There are a number of native plants already established which will be supplemented with new plantings.

This website was developed:
1.  To gather information to seek approval for campus garden development/construction.
Guidelines for Approval – doc
2.  To share and exchange ideas about our Centennial Project and coordinate the various elements of the project.
Centennial Project – doc
3.  To transition to the online component (interactive signage).


Map of location planting signage between UBC’s First Nations Longhouse and the Museum of Antrhopology.  (FNLH=First Nations Longhouse)