
Funding Sources:

– UBC Centennial Fund: $10,000 (this includes the development of the garden as well as signage for the garden and walk)
– Botany Department: $3,000
Total Cost of Project $13,000

Expense Breakdown:

  • Project Assistant(s): Planting Coordinator and Content Development ($25/hr for 360 hrs) – $9,000
    [Two assistants will be hired for this project. Their expertise will collectively include experience with gardening and plant identification, proficiency in communication and team building, and familiarity with plants used by B.C. First Peoples.]
  • Web Developer ($25/hr for 20 hours) – $500
  • Signage (time and materials) – $2,000
  • Office supplies – $200
  • Consulting Fees/Gifts – $1000
  • Naming Ceremony – $300
  • Total: $13,000

In-Kind Contributions:

  • Coordination: Shona Ellis and Musqueam partner
  • Pamphlet Printing: Botany Department
  • Consultation: First Nations Community, Beaty Biodiversity Centre, UBC Farm, Sarah Ling, Eduardo Jovel, UBC Botanical Garden, Campus Planning, Campus Operations
  • Garden Preparation and Planting: undergraduate assistants, Botany Enthusiast Club volunteers, volunteers coordinated through Indigenous Initiatives program at UBC Farm, UBC Town Community, Faculty, Staff.

First Nations House of Learning will host a naming celebration. Additional funding will be provided by a private donor.

Ongoing garden maintenance and volunteer activities will be overseen primarily by the Botany Department with assistance by the UBC Botanical Garden, and UBC’s First Nations Longhouse.