Most Important Contributions
- Kuramoto LK, Sobolev BG, Rosner J, Brasher PM, Azoulay L, Cragg JJ. A systematic, concept‐based method of developing the exposure measure for drug safety and effectiveness studies. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2021
- Sobolev B, Guy P, Sheehan KJ et al. Mortality effects of timing alternatives for hip fracture surgery. CMAJ 2018; 190(31): E923-932
- Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Guy P. Mortality by timing of hip fracture surgery: Factors and relationships at play. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2017;99(20): e106.
- Sobolev B, Harel D, Vasilakis C, Levy A. Using the Statecharts paradigm for simulation of patient flow in surgical care. Health Care Management Science 2008; 11(1): 79-86.
- Sobolev BG, Levy AR, Kuramoto L, Hayden R, FitzGerald JM. Do longer delays for coronary artery bypass surgery contribute to preoperative mortality in less urgent patients? Medical Care 2006; 44(7): 680-6.
- Brown PM, Sobolev B, Zelt D. Selective management of abdominal aortic aneurysm smaller than 5.0 cm in a prospective sizing program with gender-specific analysis. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2003; 38(4):762-5.
- Sobolev B, Mercer D, Brown P, FitzGerald M, Jalink D, Shaw R. Risk of emergency admission while awaiting for elective cholecystectomy. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2003; 169(7): 662-5.
- Sobolev B, Kuramoto L. Analysis of Waiting-Time Data in Health Services Research. First edition. Springer 2008; 214 pages (ISBN: 0387764216) — over 6,700 electronic copies downloaded.
- Sobolev B, Sanchez V, Kuramoto L. Health Care Evaluation Using Computer Simulation: Concepts, Methods and Applications. Springer 2012; 406 pages — over 12,500 electronic copies downloaded
Recent Publications
- Kuramoto LK, Sobolev BG, Rosner J, Brasher PM, Azoulay L, Cragg JJ. A systematic, concept‐based method of developing the exposure measure for drug safety and effectiveness studies. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2021
- Goubar A, Ayis S, Beaupre L, Cameron I, Milton-Cole R, Gregson C, Sobolev B, Sheehan K. The impact of the frequency, duration and type of physiotherapy on discharge after hip fracture surgery. Osteoporosis International 2021. (In press) [SA]
- Volkmer B, Sadler E, Lambe K, Martin F, Ayis S, Beaupre L, Sobolev B, Sheehan K. Orthopedic physiotherapists’ perceptions of mechanisms for observed variation in the implementation of physiotherapy practices in the early postoperative phase after hip fracture. Age and Ageing 2021; Jun 26.
- Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Guy P, et al. Variation in surgical demand and time to hip fracture repair: a Canadian database study. BMC Health Services Research 2020; 20, 935
- Kuramoto L, Sobolev B, Brasher P, Tang M, Cragg J. Constructing treatment episodes from concomitant medication logs: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open 2020; 10(3): e034305
- Levy AR, Sobolev BG. Challenges of Measuring the Performance of Health Systems. In: Sobolev B. (ed) Health Services Evaluation. 2019:391-402.
- Beaupre L, Sobolev B, Guy P, Kim JD, Kuramoto L, Sheehan KJ, Sutherland JM, Harvey E, Morin SN. Discharge destination following hip fracture in Canada among previously community-dwelling older adults, 2004–2012: database study. Osteoporosis International. 2019:1-12.
- Sheehan KJ, Levy AR, Sobolev B et al. Operationalising a conceptual framework for a contiguous hospitalisation episode to study associations between surgical timing and death after first hip fracture: a Canadian observational study. BMJ open. 2018 Dec 1;8(12):e020372.
- Sobolev B, Guy P, Sheehan KJ et al. Mortality effects of timing alternatives for hip fracture surgery. CMAJ 2018; 190(31): E923-932
- Velásquez García HA, Sobolev B, Wilson C, Gotay C, Aronson KJ, Spinelli J. Mammographic non-dense area and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women: a causal inference approach in a case-control study. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2018; 170(1): 159-168
- Sheehan KJ, Williamson L, Alexander J, Filliter C, Sobolev B, Guy P, Sackley C. Prognostic factors of functional recovery after hip fracture surgery: a systematic review. Age & Ageing 2018;
- Sheehan KJ, Filliter C, Sobolev B, et al. Time to surgery after hip fracture across Canada by timing of admission. Osteoporosis International 2018;29(3):653-663
Health Services Research Series
The series provides a comprehensive reference to all aspects of the field that welcomes various disciplines: medicine, public health, statistics, economics and management. Boris Sobolev serves as Editor-in-Chief for this multi-volume series commissioned by Springer. The series contains a collection of tertiary literature that overviews established knowledge and provides access to accepted information in the field of health services research.
The first two volumes of the series, Medical Practice Variations (over 6800 copies downloaded) and Comparative Effectiveness Research (over 6900 copies), have been published in 2016.
Publications of 2011-2017
- Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B. Guy P. Mortality by timing of hip fracture surgery: Factors and relationships at Play. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; 2017;99(20): e106.
- Guy P, Sheehan K, Morin SN, Waddell J, Dunbar M, Harvey E, Sirett S Sobolev B, Kuramoto L. Feasibility of using administrative data for identifying medical reasons to delay hip fracture surgery: a Canadian database study. BMJ Open 2017; 7:e017869
- Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Villán Villán YF, Guy P. Patient and system factors of time to surgery after hip fracture: a scoping review. BMJ Open 2017; 7(8):e016939
- Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Guy B, Tang M, Kuramoto L, Belmont P, Blair JA et al. Feasibility of administrative data for studying complications after hip fracture surgery. BMJ Open 2017; 7 (4), e015368
- Sobolev B, Guy P, Sheehan KJ, Bohm E, Beaupre L, Morin SN. Hospital mortality after hip fracture surgery in relation to length of stay by care delivery factors: A database study. Medicine 2017; 96 (16): e6683
- Guy P, Sobolev B, Sheehan KJ, Kuramoto L, Lefaivre KA. The burden of second hip fractures: provincial surgical hospitalizations over 15 years. Canadian Journal of Surgery 2017; 60(2): 101–107
Hohl CM, Partovi N, Ghement I, Wickham ME, McGrail K, Reddekopp LN, Sobolev B. Impact of early in-hospital medication review by clinical pharmacists on health services utilization. PLoS One 2017; 12 (2): e0170495
Edwards JD, Koehoorn M, Boyd LA, Sobolev B, Levy AR. Diagnostic accuracy of transient ischemic attack from physician claims.
- Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Guy P, Kuramoto L, Morin SN, Sutherland JM, Beaupre L, Griesdale D, Dunbar M, Bohm E, Harvey E and the Canadian Collaborative on Hip Fractures. In-hospital mortality after hip fracture by treatment setting. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2016;188 (17-18): 1219-1225. doi:10.1503/cmaj.160522
- Sobolev B, Guy P, Sheehan KJ, Kuramoto L, Bohm E, Beaupre L, Sutherland JM, Dunbar M, Griesdale D, Morin SN, Harvey E and the Canadian Collaborative on Hip Fractures. Time trends in hospital stay after hip fracture in Canada, 2004-2012: Database study. Archives of Osteoporosis. 2016; 11: 1-13
- Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Chudyk A, Stephens T, Guy P. Patient and system factors associated with mortality after hip fracture: a scoping review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2016; 17: 166
- Sheehan KJ, Sobolev B, Guy P, Bohm E, Hellsten E, Sutherland J, Kuramoto L, Jaglal S and the Canadian Collaborative on Hip Fractures. Constructing an episode of care from acute hospitalization records for studying effects of timing of hip fracture. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2016; 34(2): 197-204
- Levy AR, Sobolev B. Challenges of measuring performance of health systems. In: Comparative Effectiveness Research in Health Services. Springer: New York, 2016.
- Sobolev B, Sheehan K, Kuramoto L, Guy P. Risk of second hip fracture persists for years after initial trauma. Bone 2015; 75: 72-76. Audio slides
- Hohl CM, Wickham ME, Sobolev B, Perry JJ, Sivilotti ML, Garrison S, Lang E, Brasher P, Doyle-Waters MM, Brar B, Rowe BH, Lexchin J, Holland R. The effect of early in-hospital medication review on health outcomes: a systematic review. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2015; 80(1): 51-61
- Sobolev B, Sheehan KJ, Kuramoto L, Guy P. Excess mortality associated with second hip fracture. Osteoporosis International 2015; 26(7): 1903-1910
- Hohl C, McGrail K, Sobolev B. The effect of pharmacist-led medication review in high-risk emergency department patients: evaluation protocol of a quality improvement program. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2014; 3(1): E103-E110.
- Bell N, Sobolev B, Townson A, Evans DC, Anton H, Simons RK. Classifying outcomes of care for injured patients. Canadian Journal of Surgery 2014; 57(6): 368-370.
- Bell N, Sobolev B, Anderson S, Hewko R, Simons RK. Routine versus ad hoc screening for acute stress following injury: who would benefit and what are the opportunities for prevention. Journal of Trauma Management & Outcomes 2014; 8(5): 1-7.
- Quon J, Sobolev B, Levy A, Fisher C, Bishop PB, Kopec J, Dvorak MF, Schechter M. Effect of waiting time on outcome of surgical lumbar discectomy. Spine Journal 2013; 13(12): 1736-48.
- Andersson G, Sobolev B. Small effects of selective migration and selective survival in retrospective studies of fertility. European Journal of Population 2013; 29(3): 345-354.
- Hohl CM, Kuramoto L, Yu E, Rogula B, Stausberg J, Sobolev B. Evaluating adverse drug event reports in administrative data of emergency department patients: a validation study. BMC Health Services Research 2013; 13: 473.
- Sobolev B, Fradet G , Kuramoto L , Rogula B. The occurrence of adverse events in relation to time after registration for coronary artery bypass surgery: a population-based observational study. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2013; 8: 74.
- Levy A, Sobolev B. The challenges of measuring the performance of health systems in Canada. In: Health Care Federalism in Canada: Critical Junctures and Critical Perspectives. Eds. K. Fierlbeck and W. Lahey. Queen’s–McGill Press 2013: 139-159.
- Evans DC, Andrusiek DL, Sobolev B. Process mapping of a regional trauma system. In: Patient Flow: Reducing Delay in Healthcare Delivery, Second Edition. Ed. R. Hall. Springer, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science 2013: 311-332.
- Sobolev B, Levy A, Kuramoto L. Access to surgery and medical consequences of delays. In: Patient Flow: Reducing Delay in Healthcare Delivery, Second Edition. Ed. R. Hall. Springer, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science 2013: 129-149.
- Sobolev B, Fradet G, Kuramoto L , Sobolyeva R , Rogula B , Levy AR. Evaluation of supply-side initiatives to improve access to coronary bypass surgery. BMC Health Services Research 2012; 12(1): 311.
- Sobolev BG , Fradet G , Kuramoto L , Rogula B. An observational study to evaluate 2 target times for elective coronary bypass surgery. Medical Care 2012; 50(7): 611-9.
- Lepik KJ, Sobolev BG, Levy AR, Purssell RA, DeWitt CR, Erhardt GD, Baker JL, Kennedy JR, Daws DE. Medication errors associated with the use of ethanol and fomepizole as antidotes for methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning. Clinical Toxicology 2011; 49(5):391-401.
- Cheng SY, Levy AR, Lefaivre KA, Guy P, Kuramoto L, Sobolev B. Geographic trends in incidence of hip fractures: a comprehensive literature review. Osteoporosis International 2011; 22(10): 2575-2586.
- Lefaivre KA, Levy A, Sobolev B, Cheng S, Kuramoto L, Guy P. Changes in first hip fracture rates in British Columbia Canada, 1990-2004. Osteoporosis International 2011; 22(11): 2817-2827.
- Hohl CM, Nosyk B, Kuramoto L, Zed PJ, Brubacher JR, Abu-Laban RB, Sheps SB, Sobolev B. Outcomes of emergency department patients presenting with adverse drug events. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2011; 58(3):270-9.
- Sobolev B, Kuramoto L. Cluster-randomized design for simulation-based evaluation of complex healthcare interventions. Journal of Simulation 2011; 4(1): 24-33.
- Sobolev B, Sanchez V, Vasilakis C. Systematic review of the use of computer simulation modeling of patient flow in surgical care. Journal of Medical Systems 2011; 35(1): 1-16.