Week 3 Employer Hypotheses Revised

Value Prop: Less tiring / tedious / stressful / fatiguing hiring solutions


  1. Employers are want to change their current hiring practices because….

    1. They want less stress (Walk through/hand holding process)

      1. emotional fatigue

      2. wasted time

    2. They want more time (streamlined approach)

    3. They want to do a better job (missing qualified applicants/ accepting unqualified)

  2. HR departments in large organizations are open to changes in their hiring processes

  3. The initial stage (quick) of the filtering process for applications takes approx. 5-15 seconds and looks for:

    1. Qualifications (Hard skills)

    2. Formatting and professionalism

    3. Keywords and skills for the position

  4. The secondary stage (detailed) of the filtering process for applications takes approx. 30-60 seconds and looks for:

    1. Translating (how they convert their experiences into the job)

    2. Fit (language, passion, why work there)

  5. Employers do not spend enough time or effort making job descriptions because…

    1. it’s too difficult

      1. not trained properly

    2. it’s not valued enough

**Employers could be – HR professionals, direct hirers (not HR specialists), large companies, small companies, start ups

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