Tag Archives: employers

Employee Interview 1- F

The interview with F was very informative and helped us gain some very valuable but still only initial insights into the hiring process for student employers. Fred is a CEO and a serial entrepreneur that hires students and recent grads. The 2 most important points I pulled out from this interview was:

  1. Employee/Company Fit- The most important piece for Fred to hire any individual

  2. His process- He uses recruiters within his own company to look through resumes and cover letters- from there he will call about 10-30% of the students resumes that get through the recruiters

This is how the interview sized up compared to our hypootheses:

Hypotheses 1- N/A- he doesn’t do this step- recruiters do

Hypotheses 2- Yes- most resumes don’t show personality and they don’t take stock, or importance in the cover letter

Hypotheses 3- Half- Only cares about skills to get past the first set of screening for the resume process.

Hypotheses 4- No- Maybe in the interview but not until then.

Please see here for the full interview notes.

Week 2 Plan – Our Refined ‘sub-hypotheses’

We have refined our value propositions based on our interviews from last week. We’re also ready to add some new value propositions (posted on Friday).


We want to ask very similar questions this week about cover letters and LinkedIn profiles as we did last week with resumes. We find that the open ended, ‘let them talk’, approach works very well. Our questions will be based on these hypotheses and will be posted tomorrow. Here are the sub hypotheses (reminder: our main hypotheses is that students find creating job applications stressful):

Cover Letter:

1. Students don’t know the correct elements to include in a cover letter

2. Students see cover letters as more important than resumes

3. Students change the tone of their cover letter depending on the job they are applying for


1. Students know that they should have a LinkedIn profile

2. Students either do not feel confident making or know how to make a LinkedIn profile

3. Students don’t use any other platform besides LinkedIn for their professional online presence


We’re continuing with the same questions as week 1 because we have only interviewed 2 employers and don’t have enough data yet to revisit our hypotheses.