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Employer Interview with P

Interviewed someone that works for UBC and hires a lot of students for work learn positions.

Interview key points:

  • Highlighted the importance of the candidates “fit” into the office culture/space

  • The resume is more quantitative- talk about your experience in the least amount of words possible- similar to a list.

  • The cover letter is qualitative- Story telling about how they got to where they are now.


1- Yes- This Hypotheses always goes really quick- it is a standard that everyone uses

2- Half- Domestic students over inflate their experiences (in general) compared to international students who are too modest

3- Yes- Same as students- both side ID as very important

4- No- Not until the interview- during interview for sure

Here is the link to the script


Week 2 Student Interview Script

Please see here for the full interview script

Here is our refined hypotheses and questions for this week.

Hypothesis: Students find making job applications (Resumes, Cover Letters and LinkedIn Profiles) difficult and stressful


  1. Students want a resume review process / tool to prevent being “tossed aside”

  2. Students struggle to identify the important qualifications they need to highlight for the job

  3. Students want step by step tutorials from finding the job to the interview

Cover Letter:

  1. Students don’t know the correct elements to include in a cover letter

  2. Students see cover letters as more important than resumes

  3. Students change the tone of their cover letter depending on the job they are applying for


  1. Students know that they should have a LinkedIn profile

  2. Students either do not feel confident making or know how to make a LinkedIn profile

  3. Students don’t use any other platform besides LinkedIn for their professional online presence


We are students and entrepreneurs. We’re working on a product for students to make better job applications, so that they have a better chance at getting the job that they want.

What do you find is the biggest challenge in the job application process?

Cover Letters:

We want to know how you make cover letters. How did you make your last cover letter? (and what sucked about it). Let them talk first.

  • Method:

    • Starting point: Open up a word document

    • Elements: What elements do you include in your cover letter? (4)

    • Format: Do you use a specific format? Where did you get it from? (4)

    • Review: How did you review your cover letter? Did you get assistance? (?)

    • Tailoring: Did you customize it for that employer? (6)


Do you have a LinkedIn account?

Yes →

  • Why did you sign-up?

  • Tell how you made your profile.

  • Are you confident in the quality of your current profile?

  • What do YOU get out of using LinkedIn?

  • Do you pay for LinkedIn? Did you even know that was an option?

  • Have you had any training related to creating online profiles or networking online?

No →

  • Why not? It sounds like it addresses X problem you mentioned earlier.

Do you have any other online profiles or websites for professional use?


Employee Interview 1- F

The interview with F was very informative and helped us gain some very valuable but still only initial insights into the hiring process for student employers. Fred is a CEO and a serial entrepreneur that hires students and recent grads. The 2 most important points I pulled out from this interview was:

  1. Employee/Company Fit- The most important piece for Fred to hire any individual

  2. His process- He uses recruiters within his own company to look through resumes and cover letters- from there he will call about 10-30% of the students resumes that get through the recruiters

This is how the interview sized up compared to our hypootheses:

Hypotheses 1- N/A- he doesn’t do this step- recruiters do

Hypotheses 2- Yes- most resumes don’t show personality and they don’t take stock, or importance in the cover letter

Hypotheses 3- Half- Only cares about skills to get past the first set of screening for the resume process.

Hypotheses 4- No- Maybe in the interview but not until then.

Please see here for the full interview notes.

Week 2 Plan – Our Refined ‘sub-hypotheses’

We have refined our value propositions based on our interviews from last week. We’re also ready to add some new value propositions (posted on Friday).


We want to ask very similar questions this week about cover letters and LinkedIn profiles as we did last week with resumes. We find that the open ended, ‘let them talk’, approach works very well. Our questions will be based on these hypotheses and will be posted tomorrow. Here are the sub hypotheses (reminder: our main hypotheses is that students find creating job applications stressful):

Cover Letter:

1. Students don’t know the correct elements to include in a cover letter

2. Students see cover letters as more important than resumes

3. Students change the tone of their cover letter depending on the job they are applying for


1. Students know that they should have a LinkedIn profile

2. Students either do not feel confident making or know how to make a LinkedIn profile

3. Students don’t use any other platform besides LinkedIn for their professional online presence


We’re continuing with the same questions as week 1 because we have only interviewed 2 employers and don’t have enough data yet to revisit our hypotheses.


What we learned in Week 1

Even with only 1 week finished, we have already learned a lot! We completed a total of 7 student interviews and 2 employer interviews. So far we’ve learned that:


Hypotheses 1 – CORRECT- Students have difficulty taking value from jobs (skills) and putting it into bullet points – Our 9 skills and Accomplishment statement tutorial will be useful tools here.

Hypotheses 2 – HALF CORRECT – Students need a faster way to tailor resumes (they want to do it for every application) – Students want to customize resumes but don’t really care about the speed though. Customization is a feature we need but not a unique selling point or value proposition.

Hypotheses 3 – INCORRECT?? (Not 100% solved yet) – Students want a resume review process / tool to prevent being “tossed aside” – From the interviews students tend to think that their review process is good enough. We will see what employers think, however, which could change the result of this hypotheses.

Hypotheses 4 –  HALF CORRECT – Students struggle to identify the important qualifications they need to highlight for the job – Unlike hypotheses 1 where everyone said it was a pain, only half identified it as a pain. The other half identified ass something they do already but weren’t 100% sure if they get it right. 

Hypotheses 5 – CORRECT?? – Students want more guidance creating a resume than the generic resources available today – We are still not 100% on this one, and will look to confirm it this week. But students do find it difficult to start resumes and to write out a new experience from scratch.


Not enough info to make insights yet – only 2 employers interviewed – hoping to have 5+ by Friday and more meetings booked for week 3.

In General:

We have learned that Cover Letters go hand in hand with resumes.We received a lot of feedback about how we should be asking about that process as well.

We also got some questions about how to create a LinkedIn account. We would like to pursue that as well as a possible pain point in the market that we can solve.

Check out the game plan for week 2.

Interview with Paul Cubbon

Interview with E-portfolio Subject Matter Expert: Paul Cubbon

  1. Is the market a slow growing one? Or is there a tipping point like the netflicks and LinkedIn of the world?

  2. Why don’t people create portfolios?

    1. It is free

    2. where can MSB add value?

      1. There is a need for an integrative e-portfolio product that aggregates platforms and information together in a EASY to use place

  3. Sites to look at-

    1. gapjumpers.me

    2. Faculty of Med- Pro D aggregate

    3. UBC MBA make a difference- on going portfolio that they work-on throughout their time in the program

    4. about.me

  4. Employers- it is two sided, so, where are they looking, who is looking at a resume who is using linkedIn?

Bottom Line- It is an imperfect market currently- We need to characterize the spaces- find the value through questioning, interviews, analysis and testing.

We have characterized the space as a whole as: The”getting a job/personal branding” space and we have divided it into 2 parts:

  • The Online space- LinkedIn, Networking, How the job application process starts

    • Channel- online, networks, online networks

  • The Job Application (Resume, Cover Letter. Interview) Space

    • Channel- Microsoft word, resume builders, advisors

Our Value: Aggregating the online and Job Application together.

See our competition breakdown table here

B1-Traditional Resume B2- Simple formatting B3-Online Presence B4- Targetted for specific viewers B5- Easy to create quality resumes B6- Stand out B7- Interview Preperation B8-Access to professional networks
Templates Online Profile Tailored Online Profiles Tutorial Differentiate- portfolio
MySkillBase Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Resume Builder Yes Yes No No Yes No No No
Microsoft Word Yes Yes No No No No No No
LinkedIn No No Yes No No Yes No Yes
ResumUp.com no no Yes No No Yes No No
Visual.ly no no Yes No No Yes No No
About.me no no Yes No No Yes No No

Student Interview- Graduating Arts Student Leslie



Leslie, a graduating arts student, was very unsure of her resume writing skills. Thought her resume was pretty bad. In the past she has modelled her resume after the Sauder template she received from a friend. She is looking at getting into student affairs when she graduates and is looking for assistance to create a better resume.

She proved Hypotheses 1 and 5 really well, hypotheses 2 well and not hypotheses 3 and 4. What she remembers from her minimum resume creation training is the value of metrics or results in a statement. She was not focussed on efficiency because she hasn’t needed it yet and is very organized.

See here for the full script and notes

Student Interview- Graduating Arts Student- Mychal

Mychal- in his final year of study in arts is looking to apply for jobs and graduate next semester. We learned that he is very last minute when it comes to applying for jobs. He is starting to use a “master” list for resumes but is not there yet. He uses word and uses his old resumes as templates for his next one.

Mychal proved Hypotheses 1 and 2 very well, did not prove Hypotheses 3-5.

I think in interviews in the Future we need to question online presence and personal branding- We did not talk about those topics at all- See Blog post on Paul Cubbons Interview for more details.

See this link for the interview notes


Employer Hypotheses v1

The hypothesis we are testing with employers through interviews in the upcoming week is that: Resumes created on MySkillBase.com are higher quality than what most employers receive. We also realize, however, that this is a broad hypothesis and we want to find out what what makes a good quality resume, how they filter through their resumes, if they feel the average student resume needs improvement, ect.  So, we have identified Sub-hypotheses:

  1. Resume filtering process

    • Employers first check the basics in a resume

    • Employers need to see the relevant skills and qualifications in the resume

  2. Students don’t know how to show themselves off on paper

    • Popping on paper =/= good candidate

  3. 9 Skills

    • Employers prefer skill-based accomplishment statements

    • Employers don’t like piles of keywords (buzzwords)

  4. Online portfolio

    • Employers will find value in and take time to look at attachments and evidence in the interview

To test these hypotheses, we are most interested in learning about the process employers are using to screen job applications.  We’ve developed an interview that focuses on answering the main hypotheses and using the sub-hypotheses allowed us to identify things that we want to hear people touch on before we let them leave the interview.  Each question in the full interview relates back to at least one of our sub-hypotheses, helping us determine how important they are in the broad hypothesis.  You can read the full interview script here.

We are improving the quality of resumes


Mentor Meeting + Brainstorming

We had an early start to the day, meeting with Elizabeth Newton, our mentor for the Lean Launchpad.  We had a great discussion around who our customers might be and substantiating ourselves to professionals in the field.  Hopefully, we will have some interviews with HR personnel and with another entrepreneur in the student career space.  Thanks to Elizabeth for meeting with us this morning and sharing her insights.

The top three takeaways we received from the meeting are below:

1. Talk to Employers

2. Deciding our approach: Scientific approach or a ‘softer’ general approach to job applications

3. Interview style: Open ended questions- not leading- allow the interviewee to make their own conclusions

That is all for now.