The energy drinks industry is a blooming one, estimated to worth about 31.9$ billion as of May 2012 (wikipedia). The two giants of the market, Red Bull and Monster Beverage, both of which have surely become a household name, generate billions of dollars in profit a year. What has brought about their success? Many factors for sure, but one that has struck me the most: their marketing strategies.

Browsing through their websites, I could not help but be so impressed and enlightened. As commercial sites, what they do is enumerate every forthcoming activity regarding sports, music, video games, parties, etc., either organized or sponsored by the companies through brightly-colored designs with beautiful and succinct typography. The information on the companies and its product is either very rare or included in another website.

What is so efficient in terms of marketing is that they straightforwardly state a message: we mean energy. What else could a customer see through all the energetic photos? What could be a more innovating way to introduce themselves and create a first-impression as an energy drink company than a full-of-energy website? What is more, do athletes, teenagers and fun-loving or party people (probably the companies’ fondest audience) even enjoy reading? Probably not, especially when Internet surfing. Thus, instead of some long text about the companies’s history, a layout of photos of awesome activities with a short but epic caption, such as “Red Bull gives you wings”, would be such a way to carry the message.

Two things I’ve learned from Red Bull and Monster Bev’s strategies: stick to who you are, choose your market audience and be as relevant, unique and creative in introducing yourself to the world as possible. As the two couldn’t have done both of the jobs any better, they deserve every billion of energy cans they’ve sold in the world.


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