Native Advertising

Native advertising still sounds strange and weird to my ear as a marketing student. After attending classes that is talking towards native advertising, it has make me realise about a new way on promoting and utilising social media on promoting a brand.

Have you ever open a BuzzFeed articles that sponsored by certain brand ? or talking about certain brand ? it is one of the example of native advertising. It is hard for a marketer to comeup with certain advertising that does not hinder or affect people perception towards the product. As Westjet trying to create a playlist on Songza successfully create pros and cons on how the company excel the campaign

After Learning about native advertising, my team has decided to implement the knowledge to the client that we are doing for the group project. We will use this type of advertising in-order to increase engagement between people and the organisation. The reason is to ensure that the organisation will be able to increase its brand image towards its target audience. Do you guys think Native advertising will be the next big thing in marketing ?


Best Social Media Campaign

Best social media campaign ? As a marketing student, promoting events, brands and certain organisation is a very important things to do within the 21st century. From creating an event page on Facebook to create an official twitter account. Social media has play parts on creating a new trends in marketing world. But have you guys ever wonder who has successfully do an amazing job on using social media ? here are the top 3 based on Forbes magazine !


  1. #BendTheRules

Yup, this famous hashtag is one of the campaign created by Hp on promoting its product. BendTheRules campaign occupies youtube, Vine and twitter. The company succesfully gather creative people from varies social media and let them do whatever they like with the products that HP has. Here is one of the best example to it !


2.Refreshingly Honest: Honest Tea

Just like the brand name, Honest tea playing with the perception of honest and promote it through social media. The company has successfully brings pop-up stores within different neighbourhood and utilise social media on promoting its social experiment. Here is the video about their social experiment !


3. TheLastSelfie by WWF

This social media campaign utilise a very unique and new social media that are available within the community these days. Snap-chat is a social media where people can share pictures and information within seconds. WWF have successfully utilise the discovery features on snapchat in-order to raise awareness towards endangered species around the word. Here is a simple video that shows the video of the campaign on Snapchat


All of the social media campaign above has succesfully brings its own color in the platform. Based on my own analysis, it is sometimes better to uses simple ideas that are align with the company values and beliefs instead of trying hard on creating viral content. In my own opinion Honest tea has one of the best social media campaign, what do you guys think ?

You can also check out the articles from Forbes to know more about the 3 campaign !


Youtube is The New Hollywood ?

Youtube is the new hollywood ? pretty much can be a controversial statement that can be said from a marketing student. Who such individuals can compete to a thousands pixels of Brad Prit’s mesmerising gaze and Angelina Jolie’s sexy lips ?

Yup my friend, Youtube is the new go-to entertainment to people on certain demographics. There are some reasons why this phenomena is happening and within this blog we are going to analyse what’s happening behind it .

  1. It is Interesting 
Youtube is the new Hollywood

Youtube is the new Hollywood

Do you know that people within the age of 13 to 24 years old spend an average of 11.3 hours in watching youtube? of the main reason this happen is also because of the many varieties that the website can offer to its viewer. From cooking channel to a goat videos, people is given the power to choose and to control over what they want to watch.

2. Relatable to their life.

Let’s just say that watching a certain character walking in into a mansion with tons of girls wearing a bikini and huge chunk of gold necklace is not a thing anymore. The glamorous image of movie that have been offered have create an impression of too-good-too-be-true moment to its audiences. Therefore some people prefer to watch and connected on something that understandable and related to them.

As a marketer, youtube has play a very strong parts on introducing certain campaign or even empower brand image to the eyes of its audiences. however fun facts ! that only 9 percent of American business actually utilise the this media on communicating the brand. Do you think Youtube can become a media that can be used on doing product placement or any other marketing campaign ?




Barbie Brand Image

Barbie Brand Image

Barbie brand image is always known with its perfect figures of slim and toned muscles. Some people praises the ideas of perfect imagery of a woman while some people disagree towards it. before diving more into Barbies new brand image that the company have been trying to promote through various social media and media sharing websites, here are some example of the old barbie advertising that have been run years by years.

The video above is one of many example that shows what Barbie has been trying to promote on its brand. The perfect hair, the bedazzled clothing and the perfect barbie house. However due to the recent trend that is happening within the North American society where people are aware of body image and distortion on people psychology on self-image. it has pushes the company to bring up a whole new brand image that helps girls on empowering themselves. This is where the new 2015 campaign called “imagine the possibilities” come.

here is the link to one of its amazing video campaign !


Tearing up already ? I have to admit I’m pretty touch on how Barbie has utilise imagination sides of a child and used it to empowered its brand image to the society. In my own opinion Barbie has successfully create a new imaginary towards its brand. However this new move can become a double-edge sword to the brand, if the company can not incorporated both its core value with the new campaign that is been rolling out in 2015. In the near future, Barbie will be expected to pushes boundaries such as racial or even sexual orientation issues. What do you guys think about it ?