Monday May 16th, 3:15-4:30 – Mastin Prinsloo

Keynote address

Mastin Prinsloo
The New Literacies as Placed Resources in a Globalized World

It is common cause that changes in technology, institutions, media, the economy and the rapid movement toward global scale in manufacture, finance and communications have affected social practices in all the main areas of everyday life within modern societies: in work, at leisure, in the home, in education, in the community and in the public sphere. However, these changes are not equally distributed both within nation states and between them. This paper draws on in-depth case studies of the particular ways that electronic forms of meaning-making, communicating, learning and acting socially are shaped by local configurations, in African and working-class contexts elsewhere. The discussion generates a grounded theoretical perspective on how best to engage young people, who are not at the core of the dynamics of the globalized world, with new media in educational settings.
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1 Response to Monday May 16th, 3:15-4:30 – Mastin Prinsloo

  1. Kim Lenters says:

    Does everyone have equal access to digital culture? What does differential access mean?

    What happens with digital access and resources intersect with local contexts, practices, and resources?

    Are digital practices, in contexts such as Mastin described, examples of “failure to transfer” the intentions of producer of software and online tools?
    – Kim, Genevieve & Diane

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